Somptuous hand made spectacles in buffalo horn.

Since its creation in 1978, Hoffmann has not stopped surprising us with frames combining modern design and traditional horn. Many years of training have been necessary to perfect the specific technique of horn manufacturing. Pure lines and constant pursuit of perfection led Hoffmann to the head of horn eyewear.


Hoffmann Natural Eyewear Hand Made Horn Glasses for Women The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


Indian water buffaloes are originally destined for agriculture. Their horns can reach two meters. Only a small portion of this horn is selected according to Hoffmann’s strict criteria of quality and colour. This meticulous selection gives the glasses a unique light reflection, a true beauty and an outstanding harmony.


Hoffmann Natural Eyewear Wood Glasses The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


Each creation is handcrafted with great care by craftsmen in Germany. They work in respect of the material, it’s uniqueness and according to the client specific demands. Each frame is a masterpiece resulting of hours of work that glorifies it’s colours and unique depth.


Hoffmann Natural Eyewear Hand Mae stone Eyeglasses The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


The elegance and sobriety of their last collection amazed us. You can find unique pieces with simple lines made from a complex technique that superposes thin layers of stone and wood.



Come to our shop 30, rue de la Trémoille to discover the Hoffman latest collection.



Read also our article about the parisian designer Lucas de Staël and his stunning collection of stone glasses.

Le 23/05/15 par Sandrine Da Costa

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