There is nothing surprising in the fact that Philippe Starck, whose father was an architect and built air-crafts, became a gifted designer himself.

This 64 year old creator marked his time in every domains. Originally an interior designer, he is the father of sumptuous indoor layouts all over the world : every one of this life spaces smartly designed evoke peace and luxury.

His atypical career led him to conceive airports, train terminals (Eurostar in London), ports, houses, hotels (Mama Shelter in Paris), factories (Laguiole) or furniture. With a view to reach the maximum number of people, he has also drawn everyday life products with his unique design.


Appartement Philippe Starck French Architect The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


He gained an international reputation when, in 1983, French president François Mitterrand asked him to re-decorate Elysée private apartments.

Since then, Philippe Starck, tireless inventor and creator, strives to generalise design through common items being «ethical, ecological, political and humorous» at the same time.


Chaise Marie Philippe Starck French Architect The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


He is determined to change the world and bring new ways of living in respect with contemporary issues.

In the same approach of making design accessible to everyone, he has also opened a design school.


Starck Eyes Eyewear Chicago Luxury Eyesight Philippe Starck French Architect The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


Because he specialises in not specialising he had to get into the spectacle industry. Loyal to his belief in quality and respect of traditional manufacturing process, he asked Alain Mikli to produce them for him. Alain Mikli has been making high quality frames for over 30 years and he is well famous for his audacious and typical made in France glasses. The result of this successful collaboration is modern and design. It is perfect. The patented hinges are like a ball joint so the arms can be twisted in 360° and don’t need any adjustment : it is called ‘bioajustment’.


Starck Eyes Eyewear Chicago Luxury Eyesight Philippe Starck French Architect The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


Philippe Starck shop-in-shop is at The House of Eyewear rue de la Trémoille : don’t miss it !

Le 9/12/13 par Sandrine Da Costa

2 thoughts on “Philippe Starck: design for everybody

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