We had the pleasure to welcome Eric Balzan Mirko Forti, founders of Hapter glasses that we have carried in the store since the beginning of summer.

They told us everything about their passion and their thrilling adventure.

Theses nuts of rock climbing did not think long before deciding to embrace the long haul that reviving old fabric goggles was.


HAPTER Military Goggle Fabric The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


We took the opportunity to ask them a few questions about Hapter.

What has been the most difficult part of your challenge ?

We wanted to keep the spirit of the goggles made of fabric but we needed them to be reliable and practical. It was essential that the glasses would fit nicely and could be adjusted by an optician. Yet the original version was flabby and could only hold in place with a headband which is not handy at all. That is when we had the idea to use a steel frame covered by fabric. An other problem rose up then : how to laser cut those very different materials without damaging one ? After many unsuccessful attempts we managed to come to a satisfying result.

How did you select your manufacturers ?

They selected us too! Not many of them accepted to produce in such a small quantity and with our innovative desire. We were very rigorous and we could not be satisfied by approximation. That is how we chose two labs close to the Dolomite’s region, where it all started.

Do you know what is coming next ? Any new materials in sight ?

We have just increased our collection, we added new rectangular shapes and sizes. As for materials, we working on it but for now shush… (Little impish smile)

What is the expending policy of your brand for the next few years ?

At present few retailers carry our brand throughout Europe and Asia. We would like to reach the USA and south America making sure not to banalise our products. Preserving the identity and authenticity of our brand is primordial. We want to stay true our glasses’ history.


HAPTER Designers Military Goggle Fabric The House of Eyewear Optician Paris


Then, they left our shop to get ready for the four most tiring days in the year : the Silmo, international optical show in Paris.

Le 14/10/13 par Sandrine Da Costa

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